Omar Saif Ghobash was born in 1971 in the United Arab Emirates-thesame year the country was founded-to an Arab father and a Russianmother. After a traumatizing experience losing his father to a violent attackin 1977, when he was only six years old, Ghobash began to realize thesevere violence that surrounded him in his home country. As he grewolder, eventually being appointed as the UAE Ambassador to Russia in2008, he began to reflect on what it means to be a Muslim, establishing amoral foundation rooted in the belief of the hard grind that is the crux ofspiritual and practical living.This book is the result of the personal exploration Ghobash went throughin the years after his father’s death. The new generation of Muslim’s istomorrow’s leadership, and yet many are vulnerable to taking the violentshortcut to paradise and ignoring the traditions and foundations of Islam.The burning question, Ghobash argues, is how moderate Muslims willunite and find a voice that is true to Islam while actively and productivelyengaging in the modern world.Letters to a Young Muslim will explore how Arabs can providethemselves, their children, and their youth with a better chance ofprosperity and peace in a globalized world, while attempting to explain thehistory and complications of the modern-day Arab landscape and how theyounger generation can solve problems with extremists internally,contributing to overall world peace
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